Preferred Customer

What "Option" should I choose for the 60-Day Challenge?
Ideally for those who have not done a complete full body cleanse in the past 30 days, or who have aches/pains, arthritis, high blood pressure/cholesterol or some sort of chronic illness should choose the "BETTER" or "BEST" option for maximum results as a Preferred Customer.  As a Consultant, Option #1 has the "Best Value" when it comes to products.

Option #1 - Best
60-Day Challenge - (Daily e-mails/ videos/ nutritional tips)
1 - can of Akea Essentials
2 - boxes of Essentials Quick Packs
1 - Blender Bottle
$145 + tax and s/h

Option #2 - Better
60-Day Challenge - (Daily e-mails/videos/nutritional tips)
2 - cans of Akea Essentials
1 - Blender Bottle
$115 + tax and s/h

Option #3 - Good
60-Day Challenge - (Daily e-mails/videos/nutritional tips)
1 - cans of Essentials
1 - Blender Bottle
$65 + tax and s/h

Akea Consultant

Option #1 - Best Value
60-Day Challenge - (Daily e-mails/videos/nutritional tips)
3 - cans of Essentials
3 - boxes of Akea Quick Packs
2 - Blender Bottle
Business Tools
Marketing Pack
$279 + tax >>>FREE SHIPPING and HANDLING

Option #2
60-Day Challenge - (Daily e-mails/videos/nutritional tips)
2 - cans of Essentials
1 - Akea Quick Pack Sample
1 - Blender Bottle
Business Tools
Product Brochures
$129 + tax and s/h